Workforce Development—Why Your Residents and Clients Need It Now
Recovery is more than remaining abstinent. It’s a multi-factorial, non-linear process requiring the development of numerous “recovery capital” resources.
Employment is one of the most important, not only because it pays the bills and takes up to a third of our waking lives but because it’s crucial to building the pride, confidence, and life skills needed to stay the course.

The Benefits Are Real
“Employment is one of the best predictors of positive treatment outcome,” says recovery expert Alexandre Laudet.
Benefits include “lower rates of relapse, less criminal activity, and fewer parole violations among employed compared to unemployed persons.
“Securing employment is not only one of society’s priorities for SUD-affected persons,” says Laudet. “It is also consistently cited as a top priority by SUD-affected individuals at all stages of recovery.”
But why? There are many reasons. One is finally having something to lose.
“By providing something valued that can be lost to active addiction (i.e., reuse), employment can strengthen commitment to recovery,” says one study.
Another reason: the relief of no longer being an outcast. “Clients see working as equivalent to normalcy, being a part of society, doing what adults do, being ‘something’ and ‘somebody.’ Not working is seen as being ‘nothing’.”
But there are other reasons as well:
Economic Benefits. Employment provides a legitimate, stable source of income allowing people to legally meet their basic needs for economic survival, independence, self-empowerment, and inter-relatedness.
Social Reintegration. Employment promotes social engagement and community involvement whereby people can express themselves and be listened to, build relationships both social and professional, and meet new people who don’t use drugs and can thus serve as healthy role models.
Stable Environment. The predictable schedules and daily routines of being employed create much-needed stability, structure and accountability. It also keeps people busy and engaged so they have less time to dwell on the past or become bored, anxious, or depressed.
Therapeutic Benefits. Just as important, being able to witness one’s contributions and importance to others promotes self-efficacy and a sense that there’s meaning and purpose to life, all of which contributes to confidence, self-esteem, pride, wellbeing and happiness. Apathy is replaced with the feeling that, “I deserve a better life and am justified in working for it.”

The Time Is Now!
The fact is that the labor market has never been more favorable. America currently has 11 million unfilled job postings and 20 million Americans with an SUD for whom employment is critically important. All we need to do is bring them together!
And consider this: America’s low labor supply enables workers to command better wages and promotions, negotiate flexible schedules, work from home, and enjoy expanded training programs.
Just Click the Button!
Let us help you launch a new workforce development program to better serve your residents and clients.

A Complete Package of Assistance
The clickable images below link to just a few of the services the Fletcher Group is developing both independently and in concert with leading-edge partners such as Fair Chance Works, Made 180, and REEL US. Check out the full package of options highlighted here and spread the word so others can benefit as well.

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