Staffed by financial, technical, business, and treatment experts, the Fletcher Group provides organizations, communities, counties, and states with unrivaled Technical Assistance. Our experience in building innovative Recovery Ecosystems can dramatically enhance your organization’s effectiveness by improving collaboration, developing new partnerships, and blending otherwise fragmented funds and resources.
Key Benefits
A Wide Range Of Assistance
We provide Technical Assistance ranging from Blended Funding, Housing Credits, and innovative Payment Methodologies to Case Management, Harm Reduction, and Trauma-Informed Treatment. Descriptions of each appear under the Tabs below.
Customized Approach
No one size fits all. Our services respect local conditions, needs, and expectations. Our customized support may include evaluations, interviews, focus groups, external stakeholder engagement, and comprehensive reviews of data, policies, and procedures.
Best Practices
We apply the latest recovery science, epidemiological data, and Evidence-Based Practices to optimize all your prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts. To appreciate our guiding principles, check out our Best Practices Overview.
TA Categories
Why Invest In Technical Assistance?
Why is Technical Assistance so effective at helping organizations like yours increase capacity and improve performance? For starters, the information conveyed by Technical Assistants is relevant, meaningful, and immediately applicable. Expectations are known and reinforcement is immediate. Deeply respectful of their audience’s intelligence, Technical Assistants also take pains to develop teaching styles that make the most of everyone’s time. Just as important, administrators are freed from the burden of creating Do-It-Yourself training programs when their time and energy can be much better applied on the mission-critical activities they’ve been trained to perform.
Why the Fletcher Group?
TA sessions can vary widely in duration, topic, form, and structure. But there are common denominators, too. The Fletcher Group knows from experience that, for maximum effectiveness, all programs and sessions should be marked by the following eight characteristics.
1. Collaborative. Our Technical Assistants work in close partnership with your staff to identify underlying needs and long-term goals.
2. Systematic. Our TA Professionals work in a methodical, comprehensive, and systematic manner, leaving no stone unturned.
3. Targeted. Fletcher Group TA’s first determine which areas within your organization have the greatest need and where our assistance will have the greatest impact, then target their efforts on those strategic areas.
4. Customized. Technical Assistance must in all cases be tailored to the unique needs, structure, and style of each organization.
5. Adaptive. Fletcher Group Technical Assistants flexibly adapt throughout the engagement in accordance with the client’s needs.
6. Asset-based. Technical Assistance is most effective when it identifies, engages with, and leverages the unique assets, resources, and relationships already in place within your organization.
7. Accountable. To ensure accountability, we encourage mutual agreements in the form of a “Memorandum Of Understanding” and an “Official Work Plan” that outline specific actions and responsibilities.
8. Results-Driven. Fletcher Group Technical Assistants not only do their best to enhance your organization’s performance. We also set in place methods for quantifying those improvements so that your team has documented proof of your return on investment.
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