Reforging America’s Workforce

Employment Is Key
Gainful employment helps prevent those in recovery from returning to destructive lifestyles that can endanger themselves, their families, and their communities. (To visit the Fair Chance Works website, click here.)
Many Challenges
But finding work can be difficult if the communication and soft skills needed to get hired have been compromised by long-term detachment from society, lack of formal work experience, and low self-esteem. Stigma on the part of employers can make things even harder.

An Innovative Solution
Fair Chance Works provides fair- and second-chance job seekers with a highly innovative and easily accessible collection of technology products, curriculum, and services designed to help them develop the soft skills needed in a job interview.
Step-By-Step Improvement
Clients use the UniCast Performance Platformâ„¢ to record videos of themselves as they reply to a series of prompts. When satisfied with their recorded response, the job seeker submits their UPP video to a counsellor or job coach who provides constructive feedback.

Changing Behavior
The job seeker then listens to the feedback as they watch their original recording. Self-evaluation, combined with personalized feedback, creates a transformative change in behavior that lowers anxiety while enhancing self-confidence. The training culminates in a final round of recordings in a studio setting.
One On One, Human To Human
Upon completion, job seekers receive a professional-quality video of them responding to a variety of questions typically asked in a job interview. The New Beginnings Videoâ„¢ can then be included with their resume, creating the best possible impression while letting the employer see the applicant as a human being rather than an abstraction on a sheet of paper.

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