

The Fletcher Group is a 501c3 not-for-profit founded in 2017 to help those in society move from the disease of addiction and the devastation of homelessness to lives of hope, dignity, and fulfillment. To that end, we research and provide best-practice technical assistance to expand the quality and capacity of recovery housing as well as the evidence-based services needed for long-term recovery.


To research and promote effective practices and public policy that improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities with a focus on addictive diseases, including opioid and substance use disorders.
We provide Technical Assistance to rural communities whose efforts to help those with opioid and other substance use disorders can benefit significantly from safe, sustainable Recovery Housing and other Best Practice services.
The Fletcher Group was founded by Ernie and Glenna Fletcher. (For bios and photos, click  “Our Team.”)
London, Kentucky.
Our Outreach and Engagement Specialists are exploring partnership opportunities with rural communities in rural communities from coast to coast.
Our team includes nationally known Thought Leaders and Subject Matter Experts specializing in federal and state agency collaboration, community outreach, blended funding to cover both construction and operating costs, evidence-based treatments, social enterprise, outcome documentation, and diversion from corrections to recovery housing. (You can become acquainted with them by clicking “Our Team.”)
Call 606-657-4662 or fill out the form on our Contact Page accessed through the Top Menu above
When Ernie Fletcher completed his term as Governor in 2007, State Housing Director Don Ball encouraged him to launch a company with the express purpose of extending nationwide the successful recovery model they had built together in Kentucky.
Before entering politics, Don Ball had built one of America’s most successful home-building companies. Devoted throughout his life to helping others, he provided the funds to launch the Fletcher Group. Don Ball’s fascinating life story can be read by clicking “Don Ball Bio.”
The Fletcher Group Rural Center Of Excellence is funded by a $17.1 million Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant to provide the technical assistance needed to exaand the capacity and quality of recovery housing and recovery services in rural communities across America.
The HRSA grant funds the Technical Assistance provided through our new Rural Center Of Excellence to communities that need recovery housing and other best-practice services to combat the ravages of the opioid epidemic.
It comes directly from the “Recovery Kentucky” program built by Ernie Fletcher and Don Ball while Fletcher served as governor and Ball served as State Housing Director.
Very. Over the past 25 years, it’s helped thousands of Kentuckians recover from addiction and turn their lives around. The program’s success rates equal or exceed those found anywhere and its outcomes have been documented in detail for 11 consecutive years by university researchers, providing an unmatched volume of high-quality data.
The University of Kentucky Center on Drug and Alcohol Research (CDAR) produces a detailed annual report each year. To read the latest 124-page report, click on 2022 RCOS Annual Report.”
Yes. The program’s 17 Recovery Kentucky centers continue to provide safe housing and effective recovery services for up to 2,100 persons at any given time. The program is so popular that it has been fully supported by both Republican and Democratic administrations.

Six elements that can make or break recovery for those you serve:

Recovery Housing—Provides the essential environment for the full Continuum of Care essential to lasting recovery.

Debt-Free Funding—”Blended Funding” drawing on the financial and other resources of numerous existing public and private entities can achieve real financial sustainability.

Evidence-Based Treatment—We apply the latest Evidence-Based Best Practices to optimize your prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery efforts.

Peer-Driven Support—Having succeeded in their own journey to recovery, Peer Support Workers often excel at helping others travel the same path.

Meaningful Employment—It’s as important to a sense of fulfillment and dignity as it is to financial independence.

Documented Outcomes—The effectiveness of the Fletcher Group model is well documented. We can help you do the same to maintain financial and public support.

We can jump-start the major benefits described above by helping you navigate the complexities involved in collaborating with scores of different agencies and entities. We can not only enhance your performance but in many cases help you obtain the funds needed to build and sustain safe, effective Recovery Housing. We can also help you document your success in order to maintain public support and funding. To read what clients say about us, click here.
Unlike many facilities, residents are welcome to stay for up to two years. Should they re-use after departing, they are welcome back. This is important because re-use is not uncommon.
Not at all. Although the Fletcher Group model differs in some ways from the classic medical model, no treatment or service is ruled out as long as it is effective and appropriate.
On any given project, we may work with 30 or more stakeholding agencies, entities and individuals. On an institutional level, we enjoy close working relationships with the nation’s leading organizations working in this field. That includes the National Alliance of Recovery Residences (NARR), James Bell Associates (known for its work in evaluating client- and systems-level outcomes), the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Prevention Center (KPIRC) at the University of Kentucky, Find Help Now Kentucky which is currently creating a national registry of high-quality recovery housing, The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) which represents 59 state and territorial health officials, the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), the Foundation for the Advancement of Health Education (FAHE), the Pike County Recovery Council, Marshall University, and the State of West Virginia.
Thanks to the HRSA grant, the Fletcher Group Rural Center Of Excellence is currently assisting rural communities throughout America with the hope of launching a new era in safe, sustainable recovery housing.
Feel free to contact RCOE Administration Director Michelle Day at 606-657-4662 or fill out the Contact Form accessed by clicking on “Contact” in the Top Menu of this website.