To read the Success Stories these quotes come from, simply click the cover image.
The Fletcher Group model really makes sense. That’s what we had been looking for—a way to provide long-term housing that includes treatment, job training, and social enterprise. But to get all that up and running from scratch was simply too much for us. That’s why we were so excited to hear about blended funding, corrections diversion, and the other things the Fletcher Group can help us with.
We’ve been knocking on doors for a while. But simply put, we didn’t know what we didn’t know. The Fletcher Group changed all that. We’re no longer in the dark. To hear them say, ‘We can help you work out the financing, we can help you open doors, we’ve dealt with that before—I can’t tell you what a difference that’s made!

The beauty of the Fletcher Group is there’s no ulterior motive. No matter who you are or what kind of housing you offer, their only goal is to make it the highest quality possible.
Recovery Housing is more than boots on the ground and a roof overhead. The Fletcher Group knows that and it’s one of the many reasons we’ve worked so successfully together. It’s been wonderful working with the Fletcher Group.
The Fletcher Group model proves that the peer-support model is not only do-able but, in many cases, produces better results.
We still have a ways to go, but seeing the Fletcher Group model up close has really helped us start the same culture of recovery here. We simply wouldn’t be where we are today without the Fletcher Group.
It’s been absolutely great. Every time we’ve reached out, the Fletcher Group has responded immediately. I haven’t had them say no to anything yet as far as information, materials, handbooks, or guidance. I would recommend the Fletcher Group to anyone interested in a recovery housing model that really works.

I can’t even list everything we’ve received. There’s the grant reviews, all the networking, and of course the Recovery Kentucky model with its Recovery Dynamics and 12-Step Curriculum that we’re emulating. It’s all happened so fast. We’ve already won numerous state and federal grants that have allowed us to build our capacity more than we ever thought possible in such a short period of time.
I just can’t say enough about the Fletcher Group. I’m profoundly grateful that we’ve been able to work so closely with them this past year. It’s made all the difference.
It’s such a privilege to work with the Fletcher Group, not only because of their real-world, on-the-ground experience but because they’re so encouraging and supportive.
Recovery isn’t just the absence of substances; it’s the connection of community. That’s why—to me—the Fletcher Group is recovery. They live by the same values and recovery principles we do. The only difference is they do it on a national level, for the benefit of organizations like ours, while we do it on a local level, for the benefit of individuals in our community, Without the Fletcher Group, we just wouldn’t be where we are today.
I owe my ability to work with so many different agencies and implement so many different things to the Fletcher Group. I probably wouldn’t even be here without them.

We’re not winging it anymore. Thanks to the Fletcher Group, we now have the connections and expert advice we were missing.
The Fletcher Group is such a solid resource. I have nothing but good things to say about them.
We may make some mistakes along the way, but the important thing is to just keep doing our best while staying open to new ideas. The Fletcher Group is helping us do exactly that.
Everyone’s maintaining long-term sobriety with zero lapses. That’s almost unheard of.
The self-confidence of our residents has skyrocketed. For the first time, they feel like they can get to the root of things and take control of their own recovery. It’s had a massive impact.
Most people think they have what they need. You hear them say, ‘We already have a 12-Step Program. What’s the problem?’ But then you look at the relapse rates and you think: If we really had what we need, why would we have so many emergency room visits and funerals? In terms of challenges and goals, we’re all in this together. So if something works and doesn’t hurt anything, why not use it?

Finding the Fletcher Group opened the door. I don’t know where we’d be without them.
It was like, ‘Okay, now we have someone who’s knowledgeable, we’re not doing this alone anymore, we’re going to get this done, and we’re going to do it right. Numerous critical issues were soon resolved: how to vet applicants, how to process new residents, house rules, tenant rights, insurance requirements, lease agreements, document formatting, and how to partner with and obtain approvals from local agencies. It’s all those technical things we didn’t even think about because of our lack of experience.
We have momentum now. For the first time, we can see that this is going to work. But to be honest, we might still be stuck if not for the Fletcher Group. They’ve been wonderful.
The Fletcher Group has been instrumental in helping us understand how recovery housing can be planned, developed, built, and sustained.
We had several crucial gaps in knowledge that the Fletcher Group has helped us with: how to build local community support, how to gain state buy-in, and how to leverage the funding sources needed to build recovery housing that’s financially feasible and sustainable.
The Fletcher Group has been great. Every time we‘ve met or reached out to them, they’ve responded very quickly and proactively.

Our community really needs Recovery Housing. But I didn’t know where to begin. Now the path is clear. It’s exciting. And, yes, we’re busy!
We’ve been moving at warp speed—much quicker than anyone could have expected. It’s amazing. The doors keep opening, the opportunities keep coming, and we just keep jumping in!
I really wouldn’t have known where to start without the Fletcher Group’s direction, encouragement, and connections. Thanks to their experience and proven record of success, I have so much more credibility than I would have on my own when presenting our vision to others . We simply wouldn’t be where we are without the Fletcher Group.
I learned how to think my way through challenging situations and respond in positive ways instead of freaking out. After 32 years of struggling with addiction, I’m finally on the right track.
I was making bad choices without knowing it. It didn’t even occur to me that I had a choice, that I could react positively in a way that would make things better or negatively in a way that would make things worse.
I’ve made the decision to go further. I’m going back to school to get my case worker credentials and a bachelor’s degree in human development. It’s my way of giving back, helping people, and honoring my son’s legacy.

It’s still one day at a time, but I’m living proof that recovery is possible. That drives me to lead by example to help others find a new purpose in life just as I did.
Lived experience can’t be taught or faked. It overcomes barriers because you’re in it together, facing the same challenges, the same triggers, the same wins, the same losses.
I can walk into a room now with my head held high because of the work I do advocating for those who don’t have a voice, who are too weak, or don’t have the tools. Knowing that I can help them makes my life meaningful. It’s why I can look in the mirror and be proud of what I see.
I’m just so proud and excited to see where these exciting new ideas take the participants.
This is one of the projects I’m most proud of. Providing this type of training can make all the difference for people struggling to get back on their feet.

From documenting the success of the Recovery Kentucky program he launched as governor to developing the new RH Portal, working with Fletcher Group Founder and Co-Investigator Ernie Fletcher has been highly rewarding. We’re both passionate about improving recovery services so that people in recovery can find the help they need for themselves and their loved ones.
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