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What Is a Research Network?
A research network is a group of individuals or organizations that are willing to collaborate with researchers in on-going studies on a specific range of subjects. By providing researchers with a reliable, readily identifiable number of subjects, they can work more efficiently to generate best practices and other information that can be of significant value to society.
What Is the Goal of the Fletcher Group Research Network?
Our goal is to establish a population of 150 to 200 recovery home operators who are willing to participate on a regular basis in surveys conducted by our professional research team. This will allow us to create a body of knowledge that can assist policymakers and practitioners to strengthen recovery programs, improve public policy, and enhance recovery and recovery home outcomes.
Why Join Our Network?
In short, you’ll be helping us help you. By better understanding the needs of people like yourself, we’ll be able to support and promote evidence-based services and best practices that will not only better meet your needs but will potentially benefit millions of Americans who are dealing with substance use and opioid use disorders.
What We Will Ask Of You
Once you become part of our team, we will periodically ask you to complete brief questionnaires on subjects related to recovery or recovery housing. You’ll be under no obligation to reply, but we do hope that you’ll share your valued opinions and insights with us.
How To Join
Simply click the “Join Our Team” button to the right –>
and fill out a short contact form. You will receive a thank you email and be added to our network so that we can benefit from your vast expertise and experience.

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